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電子干燥柜 電子防潮柜使用注意事項

更新時間:2014-10-27      點擊次數(shù):2319

電子干燥柜  電子防潮柜使用注意事項-蘇州三清儀器有限公司發(fā)布


1. 每次開門時間盡可能短,推薦控制在1分鐘之內。Every time of opening the door should be as short as possible, you'd better control it in 1minute.
2. 請盡量不要斷電,以免影響使用
Please try not to switch off the power, so as to avoid impairing its use.
3. 當物體放入防潮箱內時,如果物體本身所含濕氣較大,防潮箱內濕度將會上 升,也許要花1至2天濕度才會下降,對于含有包裝紙或布類物件,濕度下降時間要更長一些。
When parts are placed inside the cabinet for storage, the humidity will rise due to the moisture contained in the parts, and it maybe take about 1 to 2 days for de-humidity, if the parts that contain a lot of paper or cloth, the humidity drop down to normal status for more than 2 days.
4. 濕度設定后,本產品對設定值有記憶功能,即使斷電也無須再設定。
The product has the memory function, after setting the humidity, even if cut off the power, we do not set it again
5. 濕度顯示值誤差±3%RH,采用進口傳感器,溫度顯示誤差為±1度左右。
The error of humidity display value is ±3%RH and the temperature display error is about ±1℃. The humidity sensor is imported sensor
6. 不要遮蓋背部除濕機芯散熱孔。
Do not cover the de-humidity device's exhaust vent located on the back of cabinet.
7. 如果停電24小時以上,箱內存放物品建議轉移。
If the power has been cut off more than 24 hours, we suggest you changing the parts kept in the cabinet.
8. 配防靜電臺墊的請連接好線。防靜電產品腳輪防靜電。無論地坪防不防靜電,建議連接靜電接地線。
Please connect the electric line of preventing static electricity pad.

9. 除濕期間,外部葉片門打開,除濕機芯表面溫度略高,這是正常的,請不要誤認為是除濕機芯故障。
During de-humidity period, the outer shutter will be open, and the surface temperature of de-humidity device will be rise several degrees, and the area around the de-humidity device will get warm, however this is normal and there is nothing wrong with the dry cabinet.
10. 請使用220V/50HZ電源。
Please use 220V/50HZ power supply.
11. 濕度不下降時請讓防潮箱停電并重新啟動運行12小時以上,箱內濕度下降則正常。
If the humidity dose not drop down, please switch off the power and restart it again more than 12 hours, if the humidity has drop down, the dry cabinet is running well

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